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are proud to proud to present
Southern Hemisphere Open
June 1-3 2019
Silver Jubilee Pavilion 
Claremont Showgrounds

The third annual Southern Hemisphere Open, WA's biggest tabletop gaming expo.


Bringing local, state, national and international gamers together for formal tabletop gaming events, intro and demo games, CCG, RPG, board games, panels, workshops, painting competition and more!

Tickets available through Humanitix

Over 20 formal table top war gaming events over 16 different gaming systems over 3 days. Many of the events are endorsed by the companies that created the games. Exciting news: We host the only Underworlds Grandclash in the Southern Hemisphere, the winner of the Bolt Action event will receive an invitation to the Grand Tournament in the UK in November (ticket only), we have Chainsword and Stormcast Hammer trophies for our 40k and AoS events, all this plus more.


We have 20+ volunteer DM/GMs to run over 80 role playing games suitable for those brand new to RPG all the way through to vets who have been playing longer than they care to remember. It is going to be an amazing weekend of RPG. For the full timetable click on the link or look at Saturday, Sunday or Monday's RPGs.

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Not limited to any one gaming system, this is a chance for WA (as well as interstate and international) painters to bring out their best work and have it go on display as well as being a part of the painting competition. Only $2 per entry and all entries are paid at SHO. Saturday 1st June 2019.

The purpose of the swap meet is so that items that maybe aren't seeing the love they deserve can find a new loving home. Unlike 'Bitz nights' where everyone has to man their own table we are taking some of the work out of it for you. We have two amazing volunteers who are going to handle the process so you can still be free to enjoy the event. Sellers for more information check out the Swap Meet page.

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Panels and workshops Sat.JPG
Panels and workshops Sun.JPG
Panels and workshops Mon.JPG

Our hobby workshops and panels cover painting, terrain and cos play. There is so much skill and talent on offer and the prices (workshops) include all the resources that you get to take home with you. It is complete value for money!

Dungeons and Drongos LIve show Monday 3r

Dungeons and Drongos is a WA RPG podcast and SHO will host their very first live performance. Check them out on Monday 3rd June.

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Heard about a game but never tried it? Heard of table top war gaming but don't really know much about it? Homeschooling parent or gameschooling parent and want to find a way to cover some of the curriculum without opening a text book? Come and check out the intro and demo games on offer. So many games, only 3 days!


There are a number of WA's gaming clubs attending SHO. They run a large percentage of the intro and demo games. The purpose of having clubs at SHO is to connect gamers with gamers. If you play a game we want you to know where other people who play that game hang out.

An extra special mention to Outpost 6030 and KRAGS for their continued support. Both of these clubs support Objective Secured through loaning us terrain and boards for the formal events. The event literally could not happen without them! 


Our aim with retailers was not so that gamers would attend and pay to go shopping. What we want to do is connect gamers with retailers that support their system of choice and introduce them to products they perhaps did not know existed that my enhance their gaming.

We have great plans to grow the board games section of SHO. In the mean time we have shelves full of games that you can try out. Head over to the RPG/Board game booth, grab yourself a game and give it a play.

Food and drink

The event is not about drinking for the sake of drinking. However we do recognise that some gamers enjoy a beverage of the alcoholic or non-alcoholic variety while they are playing or in between play. For that reason there will be a bar operating at SHO. Responsible service of alcohol will be adhered to and unaccompanied minors will not be allowed inside the licensed area (but don't worry there is plenty of space that is unlicensed).

We have a range of food trucks attending the event as well so your stomachs are well catered for. 


Big thanks to Michael and Emma Basc for having been superb hosts and congrats on a terrific inaugural event. Thanks also to everyone I met at the Southern Hemisphere Open. You made me feel right at home!

David Annandale – Black Library Author.


Back from the #SHO convention. Tired and I need to rest my voice. But a good day. great people. I ran 'White Plume mountain" for some delightful gamers, and met a lot of folks.


Paul Kidd – RPG Author


Thanks for putting on such a grand event. Is there such a thing as too much fun? I had a bit of that!

Grant Eakin – 40,000 tournament player


SHO Alley Bannera
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© 2018 Objective Secured, WA's premier tabletop gaming event organisers.

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